Earth Day is Celebrated Every Year on

(A) 7 March
(B) 1 April
(C) 7 April
(D) 23 May

Correct Answer : 7 April
Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on 22 April, in more than 192 countries. It is celebrated to make people think about the manner in which they are treating the environment. It also makes people aware of the importance of their planet and how it is being harmed. It is a day for people to give time and reflect on the damage done to our Earth and what we can do stop future damage. It is a day when we appreciate the beauty and uniqueness of our planet Earth.

Some of the problems of the environment are pollution of rivers, deforestation (large-scale cutting of trees), the use of plastic bags, air pollution, wastage of electricity and water, human activities which are causing an increase in the Earth's temperature (Global warming), etc.

On this day various national and international activities are organised on how we should protect plants, animals, environment, and all our natural resources. It is a day to promise ourselves to become responsible citizens towards the environment.
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