Ventilators are provided near the ceiling of the room because

(A) the exhaled warmer air rises up and goes out
(B) these provide cross ventilation in the room
(C) these provide some sunlight in the room
(D) these do not look nice in the lower part

Correct Answer : the exhaled warmer air rises up and goes out
Question Asked : SSC CPO Sub-Inspector Exam 2008
Explanation : A typical displacement ventilation system, such as one in an office space, supplies conditioned cool air from an air handling unit (AHU) through a low induction diffuser. The cool air spreads through the floor of the space and then rises as the air warms due to heat exchange with heat sources in the space (e.g., occupants, computers, lights). The warmer air has a lower density than the cool air, and thus creates upward convective flows known as thermal plumes. The warm air then exits the zone at the ceiling height of the room.
Useful Quotations for : UPSC, State PSC, IBPS, SSC, Railway, NDA, Police Exams
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