How many members of the State Legislative Council are elected by the Assembly?

(A) 1/6 of the members
(B) 1/3 of the members
(C) 1/12 of the members
(D) 5/6 of the members

Correct Answer : 1/3 of the members
Question Asked : SSC Combined Graduate Level Prelim Exam 1999
Explanation : The Legislative Council or the Vidhan Parishad is the Upper Chamber of the State Legislature. As mentioned in the constitution the total membership of the Legislative Council shall not be less than forty and more than one third of the total number of members of the Legislative Assembly of the concerned state. One-third of the members of this House are elected by the Legislative Assembly from amongst persons who are not its members. One-third of its members “are elected by the local bodies like Municipalities or District Boards or any other local authority as specified by the law of the Parliament. One-twelfth of the members ate elected by graduates of at least three years standing. One-twelfth of the members are elected by teachers of secondary schools having at least three years experience. About one-sixth of the members are nominated by the Governor from among persons possessing special knowledge and experience in the field of art, science, literature, social service and cooperative movement.
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