Who is Benjamin Netanyahu?

Defying odds Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu secured record fifth term at the helm despite an incumbency wave and fraud charges following parliamentary elections of April 9, 2019. The main opposition candidate Benny Gantz conceded the defeat.

Netcanyahu’s Likud party tied with Gantz’s, Kahol Lavan party with 35 seats each in 120-seats Knesset (Israeli Parliament) In the final count however Likud party’s tally rose to 36. Almost all right-wing parties agreed to recommend to the President that Netanyahu form the next ruling coalition. Early on April 10, ‘Naftali Bennet and Ayelet Shaket’s Hayamin Hehadash party underwent a political roller coaster when it was announced by the Central Election Committee that it had passed the electoral threshold.

In the right-wing bloc, the parties that made it into the Knesset are Likud, United Torah Judaism, Shas, Yisrael Beiteinu, Unions of Right-Wing Parties and liCulama. In the centre-left bloc, the parties that made it into the Knesset are Kahol Lavan, Hadash-Ta’al, Labour, Meretz and United Arab List Balad. Left-wing party Meretz got five seats.

Benjamin ‘Bibi’ Netanyahu is Israel’s 9th PM and Likud Party chairman. Here’s a throwback to his journey into the country’s political folklore.
Born: Oct. 21, 1949, in Tel Aviv, Israel.
Education: MIT (US), Architecture, & Management Studies.

The Journey
1967-1972 : Joins Israeli military as a soldier.
1972 : Wounded in a commando operation that freed hostages from a hijacked plane at Tel Aviv airport.
1982-1988 : Diplomat in Washington, then ambassador to the UN.
1988 : Returns to Israel Elected to Parliament.
1993 : Elected Ukud Party Chairman.
1996-1999 : Serves as Prime Minister.
2002-2005 : Foreign Minister, then Finance Minister.
2009-2013 : Second stint as Prime Minister.
2013-2015 : Third spell as Prime Minister.
2015-2019: Fourth term as Prime Minister.
April 10, 2019 : Wins fifth term at the top.
Turn out in the Arab community was one of the lowest in history.
Gants’s Blue and White party watched the number turned against them in a knife-edge vote; eventually he conceded the defeat.